Oil on Canvas, 2020
Individual work for IB Visual Art
size: 36 * 46 cm
This is my interpretation of the concept of duality within the context of favelas - slum-like communities in South America. There is a negative connotation associated with favelas due to their conflicts with drug cartels. Thus, they are subject to the government’s dismissal of their needs. Instead of lending these communities a hand, the government conceals them from international attention and tourists. In reality, in these communities, there are individuals like Mauricio Hora, who has founded an artistic center where residents are able to learn art, literature, and basic skills like cooking. Such creativity seems contagious, lightening up the community. However, such change is limited within the community. The large wall in the back, the authority of the government, is still too significant to overturn.


Acrylic Paint, 2020
Individual work for IB Visual Art
size: 61 * 76.5 cm
A representation of the ethical dilemma regarding Eduard Pernkopf. Pernkopf's Atlas is a book with anatomical drawings of great detail but of the victims of the holocaust. The conflict on the ethics of using such knowledge is rooted in duality: knowledge with positive use, but one coming from a tainted methodology and history.Doctor Manhattan from the graphic novel, Watchmen, illustrated by Dave Gibbons has influenced both conceptual ideas and visual style. Dr. Manhattan is a god-like figure, able to manipulate matter. Although he starts off as a hero, the line between hero and villain blurs by the end.From the similarity between the two, I've illustrated Pernkopf dissecting a human head as an iconic pose of Dr. Manhattan taking apart a piece of machinery, whilst maintaining the visual style of a comic. I question whether Pernkopf's work should be praised or condemned.


Ceramics, 2018
Individual work for a class
size: 14 * 25 * 40 cm
An exploration of the manipulation of flat shapes to imitate 3D volume. I experiment with expanding the conceptual idea of a wave from a 2D surface to a 3D form: the painting of the Hokusai’s wave complemented by the organic form of a wave.